Automatic Advancement Scheme 

 Automatic Advancement Scheme to the State Government employees and employees of Local Bodies as a substitute for those who are entitled to get promotions, but are unable to get them at regular intervals because of stagnation due to non-availability of vacancies. 

 Subsequently, the Joint Action Committee of Employees, Workers and Teachers, Andhra Pradesh represented for change of periodicity of the Scheme as 6/12/18/24 years of service from the existing provision 8/16/24 years under Automatic Advancement Scheme. Based on the agreement reached between the Joint Action Committee of the employees, the Government have agreed to the change of periodicity from the existing 8/16/24 to 6/12/18/24 years, for appointments under the Automatic Advancement Scheme vide G.O.Ms.No. 96

Automatic Advancement Scheme Implementation G.Os and clarifications

Automatic Advancement Scheme G.O. in the RPS,2010 G.O.Ms.No. 93

AAS (6/12/18/24) G.O in the R.PS, 2010 G.O.Ms.No. 96  Download
Clarification on G.O. Ms.No. 96 Cir.Memo.No.020091/125/PC.II/2011  Download
Clarification on G.O.Ms.No. 96 Cir.Memo.No.023400/163/PC.II/2011  Download
Clarification on G.O.Ms.No. 96 Cir.Memo.No. 5465/48/A2/PC.1/2011  Download

AAS 50 Years Exemption Clarification (Fixation benefit under FR22(B)


AAS Eligibility Implementation Table

Special Teachers Appointed after 1996, Service counted AAS  Download

Clarification on G.O. Ms.No. 96 Cir.Memo.No. M1/9440/2011 @18yrs


Allowing step up Teachers Rc.172 dt.02.04.2013
